Saturday, October 23, 2010

Marathon Training: Week 16

It is hard to believe I am four months into marathon training. Most training plans are actually that long. I just chose to extend mine out to six months. That's right, I am two months away from my marathon. It is kind of scary to think about.

This week, number 16, was nerve wracking, but good. It marked the first time I ran past the half marathon mark. My long run this week was 15 miles. And surprisingly, it went well. Real well. I finished without any real pain and was able to walk around and go shopping afterward. It was a nice change of pace from my previous long runs, which usually ended with IT band, knee or hip pain. I guess it just goes to show how important it is to take care of yourself and your body. The yoga, stretching, soaking and icing are working.

Next week brings another mileage increase, but I can honestly say I am ready for it. Bring on 16 miles. I just need to load some more tunes on the iPod before next weekend. My playlist is getting old and played out.