Monday, July 12, 2010

Marathon Training Starts With A Bang & A Splash In The Mud

Training for the 2011 Disney Marathon is officially underway. It started yesterday with one final 5K race. The Run Thru Hell in Al Lopez Park. It is really a fitting name for a race. I had not idea I would be running through trails with roots and branches protruding everywhere, mud slicked paths or ankle deep mud puddles. Needless to say, my shoes are destroyed. I also had to run this race solo because my running buddy was too sick to join me. Oh, and I forgot to the timer/tracker on my Garmin. Despite all that, I still had a respectable time. It wasn't my best 5K, but when you're running single file along a trail trying not to fall on your ass a 29:05 finish time is fine.

Now that marathon training is underway, I am a little nervous. I still have questions swirling in my head about how my body will react or will I be able to make it 26.2 miles. Of course, this summer I've been working more on my speed and faster pacing, now I have to slow all that down to go the distance. It's just weird to think that in 4 weeks, I will be back up to 10 mile runs and steadily increasing. Oh well, it's all about thinking and being positive about the experience. If I think I can, then I will! Six months and counting!