Training for the 2011 Disney Marathon is officially underway. It started yesterday with one final 5K race. The Run Thru Hell in Al Lopez Park. It is really a fitting name for a race. I had not idea I would be running through trails with roots and branches protruding everywhere, mud slicked paths or ankle deep mud puddles. Needless to say, my shoes are destroyed. I also had to run this race solo because my running buddy was too sick to join me. Oh, and I forgot to the timer/tracker on my Garmin. Despite all that, I still had a respectable time. It wasn't my best 5K, but when you're running single file along a trail trying not to fall on your ass a 29:05 finish time is fine.
Now that marathon training is underway, I am a little nervous. I still have questions swirling in my head about how my body will react or will I be able to make it 26.2 miles. Of course, this summer I've been working more on my speed and faster pacing, now I have to slow all that down to go the distance. It's just weird to think that in 4 weeks, I will be back up to 10 mile runs and steadily increasing. Oh well, it's all about thinking and being positive about the experience. If I think I can, then I will! Six months and counting!